If you use CBD regularly and you’re getting ready to travel, you probably want to know if you can fly with CBD. What are the rules? Which type of CBD is best to fly with?
Good News: the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has already commented positively on the legality of flying with CBD oil. (More on this below.)
If you fly with CBD within the U.S., the rules are pretty simple. If you fly with CBD internationally, the rules are not so simple.
Here are all the answers to any concerns you may have about flying with CBD.
Yes, You Can Fly with CBD in the US
There are a few exceptions we’ll get into further in this post, but the reality is that yes, you can fly throughout the US with CBD.
The TSA says as much on their website:
“Marijuana and certain cannabis infused products, including some Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, remain illegal under federal law except for products that contain no more than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis or that are approved by FDA.”
Here’s what that means:
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, including the full-spectrum hemp oil products sold by Green Lotus, must contain less than 0.3% Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). That’s the chemical in marijuana that produces the “high” sensation. Any level under 0.3% is generally too low for a person to feel.
Any such products can legally be carried through the TSA screenings you’ll find at US airports.
There are other considerations, though, if you want to fly internationally.

When Did The Law Change?
If you’re assuming that it’s still illegal to fly with CBD, that’s because the law only recently changed. In December 2018, Congress passed the Farm Bill, which legalized the sale of CBD derived from hemp, as long as the THC level is below that 0.3%.
However, the TSA didn’t comment directly until 2019. That’s when they updated their policy to clarify that yes, you can bring CBD on carry-on or checked luggage.
It’s Legal to Fly with CBD, But You May Get Hassled
In 2019, the government agency announced: “TSA officers DO NOT search for marijuana or other illegal drugs … But in the event a substance appears to be marijuana or a cannabis infused product, we’re required by federal law to notify law enforcement.”
The TSA says it’s legal, and TSA agents should know the law. But what happens when a lot of people should know something? Some of them don’t. So it’s best to be prepared for a little extra scrutiny from the agent and officer who missed orientation.
Want to fly with CBD and not get hassled? Fly with the right kind of CBD. (Keep on reading)

Some CBD Products are a Better Choice than Others
First, no CBD pre-roll joints. It’s a joint: pungent green flower wrapped in rice paper and twisted on the end. Try explaining the botanical paradox of hemp and marijuana to someone who is very tired and very underpaid.
CBD Gummies and CBD Capsules, on the other hand, are a good travel option. They’re not liquid, which the TSA is notoriously strict about.
Also, make sure to keep products in their original packaging. That way, if a curious TSA agent does happen to stop you, you’ll be able to clearly and easily identify what you’re carrying.
Don’t Fly with CBD Internationally
Every country has different regulations. CBD is banned in many places, from Belarus to Bolivia. And several that allow you to fly with CBD have THC level requirements that don’t match the US’s 0.3%. General EU law requires consumable CBD to have a level below 0.2%, but some European countries go even further. Norway and France, for example, permit only CBD isolate, meaning a THC level of 0%.
That’s why we recommend leaving CBD at home if you’re planning to fly out of the United States.
Unfortunately, you may not even be safe if you’re flying into the US. In May of 2019, a 71-year-old grandmother heading home from Mexico and passing through Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport was arrested for traveling with CBD oil and given a felony drug charge. She spent two nights in the DFW airport jail. At the time, customs officials said laws permitting CBD were still in the process of being implemented.
That shouldn’t happen to you now, in 2021. But again, just because something is legal doesn’t mean TSA agents and customs officials won’t give you a hard time. And we wouldn’t want that.
Safe Travels,
Green Lotus