In 2020 More Americans Used CBD for Anxiety

Here’s Why That’s Going to Continue

A lot changed in 2020, including the way people use CBD. It was a transitional year for Americans who have found the benefits of cannabidiol. Almost 1 in 5 now use CBD, and of those who haven’t, more than half want to give it a try.

More Americans than ever before use CBD for :

  • Anxiety
  • Sleep
  • Pain1

That’s because when Americans use CBD for anxiety or another purpose, they tend to be satisfied with the results. Study after study has backed that up. 

In fact, it was recently reported that 69% of CBD users preferred CBD to what they’d find in their local drug store.2 In the same study, 52% of respondents said CBD is more effective than its counterparts in traditional medicine. 

Confidence in CBD has grown quickly. Hemp cultivation and CBD extraction were widely legalized only a few years ago under the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, otherwise known as the Farm Bill.

Lockdowns Drive Use of CBD for Anxiety

The ongoing lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have caused an increase in anxiety across all demographics of Americans. A KFF Tracking Poll found that 53% of adults felt that COVID had negatively impacted their mental health. 

Here’s how CBD fits in: Three in five CBD consumers use it for anxiety, relaxation, or stress relief.2 It’s not just one study saying these things, either. Another put the number even higher, reporting that almost 70% of consumers use CBD for anxiety1.

The Most Popular Form of CBD in 2020

For managing anxiety, the most popular method of consuming CBD is oils and tinctures. That’s partly demographic — millennials tend to use CBD for anxiety more than other generations, and they prefer tinctures. 

When used properly, CBD oil tinctures are one of the fastest, most consistent delivery systems available.

CBD for Sleep? People are Choosing Gummies

This year people have also reached for CBD when in need of a sleep aid. According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, 34% of consumers use CBD for sleep. 

Gummies are popular when choosing a CBD for sleep, particularly when paired with melatonin. This natural hormone that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Studies are ongoing, but early returns suggest using CBD may promote healthy sleep patterns.

Americans use CBD for Pain Management

A range of issues turned people on to CBD for pain management this year. That may be because people haven’t been able to exercise as much due to the lockdowns, or maybe just because they’re becoming more aware of CBD. 

Either way, 41% of people now list pain management as the primary reason they use CBD.1 

People that struggle with joint and muscle issues have increasingly turned to CBD creams, which can be applied directly to troubled areas. 

Right now, topicals are the second-most popular form of CBD, being used by 36% of consumers.1 That’s likely to continue to rise as people discover the benefits of CBD for daily aches and discomfort.

What Does the Future of CBD Look Like?

CBD sales are expected to increase by $3.52 billion dollars by 2024. And 37% of that growth will be concentrated in North America3. That means consumers will have more options.

We think that in 2021, studies will continue to come out that back up what so many Americans already know — that there are benefits to using CBD for anxiety, among other common issues. 

CBD will probably become more widely available at places like drug stores and pharmacies, right alongside other wellness products. We think that’s a good thing for everyone.